Warrior Guardian

Warrior Guardian

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

My Daily Manifesto - revised

Anthony, as you enter a state of meditation, I am powerfully reminding you of things that I already 
know, and awakening your subconscious to ideas that I already recognize as truth. These ideas strengthen and empower us, because they are reminders of the ideals to which I have committed, and I am training you to complete everything I have committed to. As We sleep at night and work throughout the day, our subconscious mind works on these truths, driving Us towards achieving success, and We receive the abundance that comes with that success. 

As our mind and body relax, deeply breathing in and out, focus on our breath, and allow the busy thoughts of our mind to become neutral, and accept the truths that I share. Each deep breath reminds us that I am in control of our body and our mind, and that every thought is simply information to be evaluated. Remember that I am the one who decides which thoughts best serve us and our goals. 

I am Anthony DeNovellis.
I am Warrior Who Acts in Power.
I am a son of the Mighty King and Queen.
I am a Divine Warrior.
I am a King, and I protect the Queen as I honor, reverence, and protect all women as daughters of God, and as Queens and Goddesses.
I am a Warrior for Women and Families.
I am a Powerful Creator.
I am descended from Warriors, and I choose to carry their legacy.
I am Pure and Faithful.
I hear Heavenly Fathers voice and I heed His call.
I align myself with Gods will and do it.
I am a Guardian over my Brothers and Sisters.
I am a loving, patient and kind Father.
I am a loving, supportive, and protective husband.
I am kind.
I am patient.
I am true and authentic to my highest and best self.
I am confident, humble, vulnerable and honest.
I am unconditional in my love and I am filled with charity.

As a Warrior

I am 100% confident in myself and my abilities, and I choose to be completely honest and vulnerable.
I embody the light of Christ in my dealings with all of Gods children.
I am a protector of women.
I am humble, meek, and authentic.
I am constantly increasing in the Spirit of Discernment, and I recognize Satanic attacks in time to forestall each battle.
I am able to see and discern spirits, energies, and forces with my physical and spiritual eyes, and instantly recognize and understand their intent.
I quickly and easily discern, understand, and avoid the attacks and fighting methods Satan tries on my mind, heart and spirit.
I am in perfect control of my physical and spiritual energy, and use it appropriately to protect and heal those I love.
I create and use powerful spiritual and physical defenses against Satan’s attacks.
I seek out, develop, and use techniques and weapons in my actions, words, thoughts, feelings and chemical switches, which allow me to win every battle that comes my way.
I am filled with, and act on, the desire to work hard to train and to become stronger, faster and more precise with these techniques and weapons, and so win every battle.
I remember why I am fighting and why I am training so hard, and I am filled with the motivation and courage necessary to act and protect my life, my family, and our freedom.
I easily overcome evil, and continually grow in goodness and light.
I am free of all effects of addiction, and I help my brothers and sisters free themselves.
I powerfully train fellow warriors in the battle against Satan and his forces of darkness.
I am surrounded by fellow Warriors who are committed to my success.  
I ask for and accept help in achieving my righteous goals.
I ferociously protect and defend myself, my children, and my wife.
I am energetically and spatially free of all cords, bonds, snares, and devices of the adversary.
When I feel tempted, I am an expert at immediately recognizing it and choosing the right. 

In my Mind
I have eternal perspective. I live in the present, and see the future as if it has already happened, allowing me to immediately recognize and act on those things that propel me to my goal.
All of my thoughts are virtuous, and I immediately dispel and banish all impure thoughts and feelings, replacing them with purity and light.
I only entertain pure and righteous thoughts, because I am a pure being.
I am in complete control of my thoughts, and I only allow space for thoughts that serve my purpose as a Warrior for Women and Families.
I do Belief Breakthrough subconsciously, easily seeking out and replacing every limiting belief with beliefs that serve my highest and best self.
I am peaceful in every circumstance, and create a space of peace everywhere I go.
I am a powerful master of my emotions, and give myself permission to fully feel each one of them when it serves me to do so.  
I am a master of my time, I accomplish every needful thing.
I am mentally and emotionally free of all cords, bonds, snares, and devices of the adversary.
I am completely healed of all mental and emotional effects of addiction and betrayal trauma.
I regularly write down my thoughts and feelings, in order to recognize patterns in my behavior. 

In my Health
I process everything perfectly, and quickly release everything that my body does not need.
I am a loving master of my body.
I am a master of my creation energy, and I channel and express all of it appropriately and productively.  
All of my sexual urges and desires are manifest as pure and righteous creation.
I immediately detect chemical shifts in my brain and body, and my brain releases appropriate Warrior chemicals to heal and strengthen me in times of temptation.
I am and act physically strong, powerful, and protective.
I am and act flexible, nimble, and quick in my movements.
I am and act physically fit to do everything I need to. 
I dance often and I am confident in how my body moves. 
I move easily and joyfully when I dance, and I am good at it.
I joyfully play with my children and am comfortable and at peace as I do.
My movements are a deliberate and natural expression of my highest and best feelings.
I appropriately use my skills and strength. 
I easily heal all of my physical ailments by righteously releasing the emotions that cause them.
My eyes and eyelids are healthy and whole, and every part of them performs perfectly and normally. 
My teeth and gums are healed and healthy, and my mouth is whole and perfect. 
I easily and joyfully release all stress and tension from my head, neck, and back. 
I am relaxed and free.
I create and use time every day to strengthen my body and allow it to grow and heal.
I am physically free of all cords, bonds, snares, devices, and muscle memory having to do with addiction.
I am completely healed of all physical effects of addiction and impure sexual practices.
I am whole, and my body is perfect.
My body easily and powerfully supports me. 

In my Wealth
I am worthy of all of the abundance Heavenly Father has for me.
I easily and effortlessly find, create, and use resources for the benefit of my eternal family.
I am use my wealth to create abundance for my family. 
I consciously create value and people happily pay me for it.
God Trusts me with money.
I easily manifest and receive $100,000 per month.
Making money is easy for me, and I do it every day.
 I confidently, joyfully, and easily sell my products and services online, on TV, and in person. 
I am a master of my resources, and use them to create and accept wealth and abundance.
I create and accept wealth and abundance every time I host an event or class.
I create goals and plan regularly for their success.
I focus my efforts on the most important things.
I work powerfully and consciously until I achieve my goals.
I find joy and satisfaction in my work.
I use my resources to bless others and bring happiness to the world.
I teach my children to live in all kinds of abundance and share it with others.
I am a star on Food Network, selling myself as a The Limitless Chef. 

In my Power
I listen to the Holy Spirit and immediately heed its promptings.
I powerfully confess my temptations and trials. 
I joyfully and willingly accept feedback, and apply what best serves me in achieving my goal.
I see others as their highest and best selves, and treat them so.
I am a reflection of Christ’s love, and I share it unconditionally.
I am of infinite worth, and that knowledge humbles me and leads me to be perfectly honest.
I am in love with myself and am committed to my success.
I choose my reality, and powerfully live it.
I am my own kind of awesomeness.
I trust myself, my ideas, and my actions.
I am perfectly situated where I am in my journey, and I continue to move forward.
I perform Belief Breakthrough daily so that my perception is clear and I am open to receive.
I constantly call miracles into creation, for myself and for others.
I forgive everybody, every time. Always.
I forgive myself, for everything, because of the love I have for myself.
I listen to and act immediately on divine inspiration.
I am worthy of all the blessings of my birthright as a child of God. 
I act powerfully and consciously until I get what I want.
I powerfully create support groups that support me in creating my masterpiece life.
Taking care of my own needs is empowering.
I maintain my relationships only through pure and righteous expressions of love.

In My Marriage
I am unconditional in all of my thoughts, actions, and situations. 
I am unconditional in my love for My wife, and I am committed to the success of My marriage. 
I am unconditional in sexual intimacy. I express my desire to My wife, and I am happy and content with whatever response she gives. 
I am unconditional in expressing my love for my wife, and I am an expert at doing it in every way. 
I am unconditionally faithful to my wife, in my thoughts, words, and actions. 
I plan for and take My wife  on weekly dates, and use that time to create and enhance the connection between us. 
I express all of my thoughts through loving words and actions. 
I create time every day to love and nurture myself, and use it to strengthen my mind, body, and spirit. 
I am the man that God wants me to be for my wife, because I choose to be a man of God.

I am Anthony DeNovellis, the Warrior Who Acts in Power, defending and upholding purity and virtue. 

I love my life, and I choose to keep living it every day. 

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