Warrior Guardian

Warrior Guardian

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Do you know The Way?

I love truth, and I love finding it in unexpected places!

Growing up, I often felt lost and confused, unsure about the way to live my life. There were many things I loved about my parents, but I wanted something different. I grew up with so many varied role models, none of them consistent, that I just drifted, looking for a road to follow. 

As I did, I sunk deeper into my struggle with pornography addiction. I was constantly hiding and lying about who I was and what I was doing. I walked dangerous roads, causing pain to the ones closest to me, and at the same time, trying to find my way. The road back up. The road out. I knew where I wanted to go, and could not find the road to get me there. 

Over the past three years, I have been on the journey back up, back out, and back to who I am. I have had too many transformational moments to count, and I have developed a deeper connection with my wife, my Savior, and most important, myself. And still, ,I have been looking for the right road to get me back to where I want to be. 

In August, as part of our Limitless Inner Circle Warrior Retreat, I rediscovered just who I am. I chose to accept the identity that I have been running from all my life. I chose into being a Warrior, who stands ready and acts on whatever God asks me to do. Since then, I have been doing my best to follow the road God wants me to follow.

This past week, I took the kids to see Moana, a brand new Disney movie, set in the Pacific islands. Since then, we  have been listening to the soundtrack continually, and the messages of some of them are so in alignment with what I believe and feel.

And then today, after my morning power hour, dropping the kids off at school, and jamming out in the car, I was holding our daughter, standing with Marianne in the office and singing my version of the lyrics to my favorite Moana song. As the song reached its final lines, I started to sob, joyful as tears streamed down my face, because I realized what I had been missing.

I will carry you here in my heart
You remind me

That come what may
I know the way. 

That was it. I had my answer.

I know The Way.

I know the Truth, and the Life.

I was never asked to follow a road to get back to being with my Savior. I was asked to follow Him. No more looking down at my feet, searching for a road to get me where I want to go. Now I get to look up, listen for His voice and watch where he beckons, and I will never be lost again.

The Way is not the road!!

No matter what I am going through, no matter what comes into my life, as long as I remember where I want to be, I don't need to know the road to get there.

I know The Way.  

My Daily Manifesto

This is the Manifesto that I have recorded and listen to every day now. 

What are the things you remind yourself of daily?

(Note:This is updated and revised regularly,to reflect my current needs and desires. To listen to this with Epic Manifesto Music, click here )


In this moment, as I allow my mind to enter a state of meditation, I powerfully remind myself of things I already know, and awaken my subconscious to ideas that my spirit already recognizes as truth. These ideas strengthen and empower me, because they are reminders of the ideals I have committed to, and I complete everything to which I have committed. As I sleep at night and work throughout the day, my subconscious works on these truths, driving me towards achieving success, and I receive the abundance that is attracted to me like a magnet.

My mind and body relax, deeply breathing in and out, in and out, breathing from the abdomen. By focusing on my breath, I allow the busy thoughts of my mind to become neutral, and clear my mind to accept this daily manifest. Each deep breath reminds me that I am in control of my body and my mind, that every thought is simply information to be evaluated, and that I am the one who decides which thoughts best serve me and my goals. 

I am Anthony DeNovellis.
I am Warrior Who Acts in Power.
I am a son of the Mighty King and Queen.
I am a Divine Warrior.
I am a King, and I protect the Queen as I honor, reverence, and protect all women as daughters of God, and as Queens and Goddesses.
I am a Warrior for Women and Families.
I am a Powerful Creator.
I am descended from Warriors, and I choose to carry their legacy.
I am Pure and Faithful.
I hear Heavenly Fathers voice and I heed His call.
I align myself with Gods will and do it.
I am a Guardian over my Brothers and Sisters.
I am a loving, patient and kind Father.
I am a loving, supportive, and protective husband.
I am kind.
I am patient.
I am true and authentic to my highest and best self.
I am confident, humble, vulnerable and honest.
I am unconditional and filled with charity.
Complete Virtue and purity is my top priority, and the definite chief aim in my life. 

As a Warrior
My power comes from my complete personal purity. 
I am 100% confident in myself and my abilities, and I choose to be completely honest and vulnerable.
I embody the light of Christ in my dealings with all of Gods children.
I am a protector of women in the flesh, in print, and digitally.
I am humble, meek, and authentic.
I am constantly increasing in the Spirit of Discernment, and I recognize Satanic attacks in time to forestall each battle.
I am able to see and discern spirits, energies, and forces with my physical and spiritual eyes, and instantly recognize and understand their intent.
I quickly and easily discern, understand, and avoid the attacks and fighting methods Satan tries on my mind, heart and spirit.
I am in perfect control of my physical and spiritual energy, and use it appropriately to protect and heal those I love.
I create and use powerful spiritual and physical defenses against Satan’s attacks.
I seek out, develop, and use techniques and weapons in my actions, words, thoughts, feelings and chemical switches, which allow me to win every battle that comes my way.
I am filled with, and act on, the desire to work hard to train and to become stronger, faster and more precise with these techniques and weapons, and so win every battle.
I remember why I am fighting and why I am training so hard, and I am filled with the motivation and courage necessary to act and protect my life, my wife, my children and our freedom.
I easily overcome evil, and continually grow in goodness and light.
I am free of all effects of addiction, and I help my brothers and sisters free themselves.
I powerfully train fellow warriors in the battle against Satan and his forces of darkness.
I am surrounded by fellow Warriors who are committed to my success.  
I ask for and accept help in achieving my righteous goals.
I ferociously protect and defend myself, my children, and my wife.
I am energetically and spatially free of all cords, bonds, snares, and devices of the adversary.
When I feel tempted, I am an expert at immediately sharing it with my wife and casting Satan out.

In my Mind
I have eternal perspective. I live in the present, and see the future as if it has already happened, allowing me to immediately recognize and act on those things that propel me to my goal.
All of my thoughts are virtuous, and I immediately dispel and banish all impure thoughts and feelings, replacing them with purity and light.
I only entertain pure and righteous thoughts, because I am a pure being.
I am in complete control of my thoughts, and I only allow space for thoughts that serve my purpose as a Warrior for Women and Families.
I do Belief Breakthrough subconsciously, easily seeking out and replacing every limiting belief with beliefs that serve my highest and best self.
I am peaceful in every circumstance, and create a space of peace everywhere I go.
I am a powerful master of my emotions, and give myself permission to fully feel each one of them when it serves me to do so.  
I am a master of my time, and my personal purity is the source of my ability to
 accomplish every needful thing.
I am mentally and emotionally free of all cords, bonds, snares, and devices of the adversary.
I am completely healed of all mental and emotional effects of addiction and betrayal trauma.

In my Health
I process everything perfectly, and quickly release everything that my body does not need.
I am a loving master of my body.
I am a master of my creation energy, and I channel and express all of it appropriately and productively.  
All of my sexual urges and desires are manifest as pure and righteous creation with my wife.
I immediately detect chemical shifts in my brain and body, and my brain releases appropriate Warrior chemicals to heal and strengthen me in times of temptation.
I am and act physically strong, powerful, and protective.
I am and act flexible, nimble, and quick in my movements.
I am and act physically fit to do everything.
I easily and effortlessly perform acro yoga, and I enjoy it.  
I dance often with my wife and I love doing it.
I move easily and joyfully when I dance, and I am good at it.
I joyfully play with my children and am comfortable and at peace as I do.
My movements are a deliberate and natural expression of my highest and best feelings.
I use my strength at all times safely and appropriately.
I easily heal all of my physical ailments by righteously releasing the emotions that cause them.
My eyes and eyelids are healthy and whole, and every part of them performs perfectly and normally. 
My teeth and gums are healed and healthy, and my mouth is whole and perfect. 
I easily and joyfully release all stress and tension from my head, neck, and back. 
I am relaxed and free.
I create time every day, and use it to strengthen my body and allow it to grow and heal.
I am physically free of all cords, bonds, snares, devices, and muscle memory having to do with addiction.
I am completely healed of all physical effects of addiction and impure sexual practices.
I am whole, and my body is perfect.
My body easily and powerfully supports me. 

In my Wealth
I am worthy of all of the abundance Heavenly Father has for me.
I easily and effortlessly find, create, and use resources for the benefit of my eternal family.
I am a multi-millionaire, and use my wealth to create my masterpiece life.
I consciously create value and people happily pay me for it.
God Trusts me with money.
I easily manifest and receive $100,000 per month.
Making money is easy for me, and I do it every day.
 I confidently, joyfully, and easily sell my products and services online, on TV, and in person. 
I am a master of my resources, and use them to create and accept wealth and abundance.
I create and accept wealth and abundance every time I host an event or class.
I create goals and plan regularly for their success.
I focus my efforts on the most important things.
I work powerfully and consciously until I achieve my goals.
I find joy and satisfaction in my work.
I use my resources to bless others and bring happiness to the world.
I teach my children to live in all kinds of abundance and share it with others.
It is November 3o, 2017, and I have created and received $100,000 by sharing my message of addiction recovery and selling myself as a mentor. 
It is December 31, 2017, and I have been a star on Food Network, selling myself as a Chef and mentor. 

In my Power
I listen to the Holy Spirit and immediately heed its promptings.
I powerfully and immediately confess my temptations and trials to my wife and accountability partners.
I joyfully and willingly accept feedback, and apply what best serves me in achieving my goal.
I see others as their highest and best selves, and treat them so.
I am a reflection of Christ’s love, and I share it unconditionally.
I am of infinite worth, and that knowledge humbles me and leads me to be perfectly honest.
I am in love with myself and am committed to my success.
I choose my reality, and powerfully live it.
I am my own kind of awesomeness.
I trust myself, my ideas, and my actions.
I am perfectly situated where I am in my journey, and I continue to move forward.
I perform Belief Breakthrough daily so that my perception is clear and I am open to receive.
I constantly call miracles into creation, for myself and others.
I forgive everybody, every time. Always.
I forgive myself, for everything, because of the love I have for myself.
I listen to and act immediately on divine inspiration.
I am worthy of all the blessings of my birthright.
I act powerfully and consciously until I get what I want.
I powerfully create limitless support groups that support me in creating my masterpiece life.
Taking care of my own needs is empowering.
I maintain my relationships only through pure and righteous expressions of love.

In My Marriage
I am unconditional in all of my thoughts, actions, and situations. 
I am unconditional in my love for Marianne, and I am committed to the success of Nittyamuttam.
I am unconditional in everything concerning our sexual intimacy. I express my desire to Marianne, and I am happy and fulfilled whether or not she reciprocates, no matter how long it does or does not take. 
I am unconditional in expressing my love for Marianne, and I am an expert at doing it in every way. 
I am unconditionally faithful to Marianne, in my thoughts, words, and actions. 

I plan for and take Marianne on dates every week, and use that time to create and enhance the connection between us. 
I express all of my thoughts through loving words and actions. 
I create time every day to love and nurture myself, and use it to strengthen my mind, body, and spirit. 
I am the man that God wants me to be for Marianne, because I choose to be a man of God.

I am Anthony DeNovellis, the Warrior Who Acts in Power, defending and upholding purity and virtue. 

I love my life. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

When there is Anger, Choose Peace

You know, I am grateful to read the posts that people make when they are angry.

Largely, such posts are passive-aggressive ("Thank you to whoever did this to me"), sometimes openly aggressive ("This happened, and so the person who did it is bad and a liar and did me wrong!"), and sometimes even hostile and threatening.
In all cases, they blame someone for making them angry. They are the victim who has been wronged, and rarely do they have any interest in finding solutions to solve the situation. They want the world to know what happened, and to either feel sorry for them, or be angry along with them (misery loves company).
In my experience, when people post while angry, it is a knee-jerk reaction. They post angry words and accusations based on the limited amount of information they have, and express that information, and their perception of it, as absolute truth.

When I read posts like those, I choose to be reminded that I have absolute control over the most important part of any situation - ME!

If someone does something, and I feel angry, I remember that I am always at choice.

I choose how I react. I choose to take responsibility for my part in the situation. I choose to remember that the other person involved is as human and imperfect as me. I choose to take responsibility for finding the TRUE reason for my anger. I choose to change that anger into an emotion that serves me in finding answers and solutions.
I choose to be a positive force for change, in every situation.

I invite you all to do the same, the next time you feel angry. Remember that NO ONE has the power to make you feel anything.

Emotions don't just happen to you. You choose every single one.

And because you do, you can choose to be at peace.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Why Everything Happens for a Reason

This morning I received the news that a close friend of mine, and her son, were shot and killed. I didn't know how to react, as my mind flashed back to April 2014, when I received a similar call about my brother dying in a head-on collision. "Wait, what? No way. That doesn't happen in my life, not this close."  It was surreal -  I heard the words, and they didn't fit.

And then someone posted a short message about her, with a song. And as I listened to the words, I pictured my friends face, I heard her voice. I remembered sitting next to her as we learned about sharing our message with the world, about opening ourselves and being vulnerable. I remembered being blown away when she stood on stage, trembling and scared, and presented her message of Being True to herself, of Standing in Her Power at all times, and thinking "Wow! She is going to change so many lives with this message!"

And I cried. As the words of the song spoke of resting high on that mountain, and showering down the love of the Father and the Son, I cried because I know while she is still here, still living in that higher plane, we don't get her here. I haven't heard her finished presentation, and now I have even longer to wait before I do. Her smile, her laugh, her gentle way of seeing and loving every person, are gone from the earth, and there is no one, no thing, that can replace her.

There is a phrase that is said at times like these, and I believe it whole-heartedly, though many people misunderstand it.

Everything happens for a reason.

There is reason, there is purpose, and there is learning in every tragedy - even the murder of my dear friend, or the accident that took my brothers life. There is reason for every single thing that happens on this earth, especially those tragedies that are committed by our fellow man. There IS inherent good in every situation. Today, I address specifically the tragedy caused directly by one person against another.

Our Heavenly Father created us, each one of us, in His likeness. And, in His infinite love and wisdom, He gave each of us the gift of choice, the ability to choose what we do, every moment of every day. Every person on this earth made the choice to come here, to have the human experience, and to do their best to follow God's plan, be obedient to His teachings, and return to live with him.

The Reason behind tragedy is this: Each son and daughter of God has the freedom to choose their own actions, and some of them choose to hurt others. Some choose to ignore the promptings of His Spirit and do things that bring pain, sadness, and death. Some choose to allow their emotions to rule over them, driving them to seek the destruction of others.

Why does God allow these tragedies to occur? If He loves us, why does he allow some of His children to bring pain and death to others?

God allows these things to happen so that we can more powerfully choose to return to Him. How can we be obedient to what He wants for us, if there were no temptation to do otherwise? How can we choose into unconditional love, if there is no reason to hate? How can we choose to forgive, if there is crime to be forgiven?

God does not create the evil in this world. God allows the evil in this world to occur, because without opposition, there is no choice. Without choice, there is no growth, there is no progression.

Goodness grows in proportion to the evil it overcomes. 

And remember, there is inherent good in every situation. EVERY situation.


Every tragedy contains inherent good, because YOU ARE the good! As a child of a Father in Heaven, you are inherently good - Light and Life are your birthright, and they live inside every person. If you are looking for the good in a situation, look no further than yourself. YOU ARE the good.

And your power grows in proportion to the evil you choose to overcome.

I am grateful for this lesson. I forgive the man who chose to kill my friend and her son. I extend my love to him, as well as my friends family, because I trust my Savior, who told me to "Love God, and love thy neighbor as thyself."

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Becoming Unconditional with Sex

There is a video going around Facebook right now, titled “Married Sex During the Week”. It consists of a man suggestively rubbing his wifes back, while she, in impatience and disgust, makes excuse after excuse to dissuade him – I did a lot of laundry and I’m tired; I haven’t showered in three days, and I smell like a bag of onions; I don’t want to cuddle, because cuddling means your pants will come off and I will have to do things; Are you pouting? You’re pouting, aren’t you? – as the days of the week tick by.
Eventually, on Friday night, in exasperation she tells her husband that she can give him five minutes, so he has to be fast and just get it done.

The caption to the video? “How many can relate to this?” With laughing emojis.


Watching this struck a chord, and not a funny one. If this video really does feel familiar to you, you know as well as I do how not-funny it really is to want to share the ultimate intimacy with your spouse, and being told no. Or to be the one to say no.

I remember when this was the norm in my marriage - right down to the disgust and exasperation on my wife's face. I remember asking for sex and being told no. I remember feeling rejected and wondering what was wrong with her - and what was wrong with me. I would roll away from her, sometimes getting up and sleeping somewhere else.

And I remember when she would give in just to shut me up.

She didn't trust me to cuddle, because I took it as an invitation for sex. We stopped cuddling.
She said "no" so often, I stopped trusting that she ever actually wanted to be intimate, and only did to make me stop asking. I stopped asking, refusing to be vulnerable.
Eventually, physical contact stopped altogether.

Hurt, anger, frustration, distrust. This is what sex was for us. For many, many years that was all we experienced when it came to sexual intimacy. We were disconnected, and unhappy.

What changed?

I did. I chose to change how I showed up for, and with, my beloved wife, when it came to our sex life.

I chose to let go of my perceived “biological need”, and stopped expecting her to want to have sex every time I did.
I chose to make cuddling just that - nothing more, so I could learn to appreciate just having her close.  
I chose to trust that Marianne always, always loves me, and always wants to be intimate. That her saying "no" only means that sex is not the form of intimacy she needs.

I chose to be unconditional. To allow Marianne to say "no", and to stay present, stay emotionally, mentally, and physically engaged with her, so that I could show that it is HER I want - not her vagina and breasts. Not the sex. I want her.

I chose to be happy, no matter how she responded.

I made that decision over a year ago. It has been a journey. Months of conversations, listening to what she needs and wants, likes and dislikes, what makes her feel loved. I made mistakes. There were times I became frustrated. There were times I still felt hurt and rejected. Earning her trust seemed an impossible task.

I kept going. I stayed true to my choice. I chose to believe I was doing the right thing and moving in the right direction, even when I made mistakes. Even on the days when it felt that my body would explode if I we didn’t have sex.

I chose to believe that Marianne is worth giving my trust, and worth waiting for, whether or not she reciprocates, however long it does or does not take.

And in that time, Marianne made her own choices. She had her own journey to travel. It took her longer than I thought, longer than I wanted, to begin trusting me again.

I waited.  Patiently, lovingly, and staying true to myself and my commitment, until she was ready. I grew in love for her, and for myself. Day by day, I became the man she needed.

And every moment of the journey is worth it. Every heart ache. Every prayer. Every time I turned to the Lord for what I needed. Every moment of growth was worth it.

Every. Single. One.

And now, Marianne and I share the most passionate physical, emotional, and spiritual intimacy, as often as either of us wants, because we have chosen a bottom line: We love each other. We honor each other. We are always connected in love. And we live in the way that makes it true, every single day.

Because in the end, sex is the RESULT of ultimate connection and intimacy, not the source. And in this kind of relationship, there is never a feeling of lack. Whether we have sex once a day or once a year, it is enough - because I want HER. Not sex. 

Marianne, I am sorry for the time in our marriage when you couldn't trust me. I am sorry for not trusting you.

Thank you for taking the time to let me back in.

I love you.



Saturday, October 8, 2016

Steward over the Rising Royalty

Tonight, As I was laying our baby daughter down again ( for the third time) I had a moment of insight as to my greatest failing as a parent.
She did not want to lay down, or take her bottle. She wanted to be held. I was tired, and wanted to go back to bed myself. Normally, I would lay her down and walk away as she cried, convinced she was ok to cry herself to sleep ( and she usually does). This time, God put the thought in my heart to wait, give up that extra fifteen minutes of sleep, and hold her until she drifted off.
As I held her, a small vision opened up to me. I saw her as she truly is in that moment - an ancient spirit, filled with the knowledge and training of eons, feeling tired and worn after a day of training this mortal body. She just wanted a moment to be held and supported by her Captain who loves her - the man she inherently knows to trust, because she knows I have been there too.
I often see my children as only that - children. Small people who either can't, or won't, do things for themselves, ask an inordinate number of questions, avoid doing their housework, and quarrel with each other - and then burst into tears over the smallest things and want to be held and cuddled and comforted (often at what seem to be inconvenient times).
In seeing them this way, I am cut off from knowing them. Being able to help them, to know how best to guide them, because I forget who they truly are. I fail to see the divine child of God, the inherent Queen or King that is their eternal nature. The Warriors sent here to fightGods battles.
My children are not mine at all. I am the steward of their childhood, their protector, their mentor, their accountability partner, their friend. It is my stewardship to train and teach them, individually and together, how to thrive in this battlefield of earthly life, and do so with their crowns on and ready to step into their own kingdoms.
And here is the most poignant part - everything they do, say, or express is a product of how I have trained them, or failed to train them. It is my action or inaction towards them that has trained them to behave as they do.
When they do something I don't like, I trained them to behave that way - either by my words, my example, or both.
My children's behavior is a direct result of my behavior towards them. They are living out the training I have given them.
And in that moment, holding my little queen as she fell asleep in my arms, I realized:
I need to step up my game.

Nails in a Fence

This is the Atonement version. Share it everywhere so we can get the truth out!
There once was a little boy who had a bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence.
The first day the boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled down. He discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.
Finally the day came when the boy didn't lose his temper at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to hold his temper. The days passed and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.
The father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence. He said, "You have done well, my son, but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never bethe same. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say I'm sorry, the wound is still there. It takes time and care to heal. The deeper the wound, the more care and time it will take."
The little boy then understood how powerful his words were. He looked up at his father and said "I hope you can forgive me father for the holes I put in you."
"Of course I can," said the father.
As the boy looked at the fence, and the holes he had made, he realized something.
"But dad, this fence can't heal itself. How do we fill the holes? How can I make the fence whole again? "
"Son, even if we fill them, the holes will still be there. But there is a principle that does allow you to make the fence whole again. It takes time, and a lot of work."
"I want to make the fence whole again. How do I do it?"
The father took the son to the lumber store, and showed him the materials and the tools he needed. When they returned home, he taught his son how to remove the damaged boards, and nail the new ones in place.
Day after day, the young man came to the fence, removing damaged boards, and nailing new ones in place. When some of them were crooked, his father was there to help and correct him.
Finally, the last board was replaced. The young man stood with his father before the fence.
"Well done, my son. You have worked hard, you have taken the time, and now this fence is whole again."
By words or actions, we cause wounds in ourselves and others. There are "fresh starts" in life. There is always a new beginning, when you are willing to make the effort. Forgiveness comes easy for many people, but the scars of the past require time, care, and work before they are made whole.
Christ's atonement allows for repentance, and for all wounds to be made whole and new.

The King Has Returned

Sept 19 2016

This past weekend, our Limitless Inner Circle had a retreat, where we were trained on how to step into our Divine Warrior and Divine Goddess energies.
I spent three days with 60 of my brothers, pushing each other to our emotional, spiritual, and physical limits. We worked, we fought, we played, we cried. We prayed to our God that we would become the men our Queens and Goddesses need.
As part of the this process, we each chose and declared a warrior name, and a standard for which we each stand.
This is mine:


I Am a son of the Mighty Father.
I Am a King.
I Am Pure and Faithful .
I Protect the Queen
In Fidelity to my God, my religion, my freedom, Marianne and my children, I am WARRIOR WHO STANDS READY!


This weekend, I accepted and stepped into my role as a leader. I shifted. I released.
I found what I had cast away so long ago - my true identity. I am in alignment with who I have always been: A Leader, a Father, a Mentor, a Friend, a Warrior.
Standing, fighting, growing, stumbling, and learning with my brothers, my warriors, I see who I am. I see who you are.

These are the lessons I learned this weekend:

  • My place is firmly with the men.
  • Though I may stumble, I remain upright and moving toward my goal.
  • My burdens become light when I am helping the man next to me.
  • I appreciate, and take joy and pleasure and strength in my current situation, even when moving full speed through it.
  • I use my strength at all times safely and appropriately.
  • Strength may fail. Power is limitless.
  • Love is the only true power I have.
I woke up yesterday full of energy, strength, and determination. Marianne and I shared a deep, sacred, intimate experience, where I was able to finally, after so many years, choose into being the man she has always known me to be. I looked into her eyes and told her that I accept myself - every part of myself, everything I have ever done, I accept it. I accept who I am and the mission I committed to before I came here.
And for the first time, I saw her as my Sister, my divine friend and help meet, and I saw what we shared on the other side of the veil. I saw her as she was when she held my hands and looked into my eyes, and we committed to find each other on this earth, and stand side by side, and back to back, to protect, to serve, and to honor each other through this battleground. I remember my commitment to her.

I cried. I held her to my chest as she cried.

I mourned for my lost children, Catherine and Edmund. Marianne held me as I sobbed into her chest, feeling the pain and sorrow of losing them. I realized that though they have passed from this world, they still look to me as their father. My little girl will someday be sealed to a man, and she looks to me to for who he should be - I may even have the privilege to be training her future husband. My little boy looks to me to train him how to be a warrior, even though he has no physical battle to fight - he wants and needs me to live as a true man so he can know how to help others end their spiritual battles.

I am Warrior Who Stands Ready.
I am a Guardian of Virtue and Purity.
I am a Father over our Tribe.
And this is why I AM LIMITLESS!

My warrior brothers, AHO!