Day ten
Step ten - daily accountability
This step is about daily maintenance; taking personal inventory and admitting when I am out of alignment.
Sound familiar?

With this week being a Limitless week, this drives event deeper, because the changes I am making in my life do require daily commitment, and with that commitment comes the need for an inventory of the " why" behind what I am doing.
My intention is love the Savior as much as He loves me - enough to choose to live for the only reason of being committed to His glory.
I choose to improve my life and become spiritually free, because before i came to earth, I said yes, I follow Christ. I said yes to what I knew i would go through, and what I didn't know.
I choose into 90 days of Addiction recovery meetings because I believe in the inspired counsel of my religious leaders, who say that following these steps brings me closer to the Savior.
I choose to serve my brothers and sisters, because it is by service to His children that I truly express my love for Him.
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