I have been hiding, scared and selfish, and it took my beautiful daughter refusing to sleep at midnight tonight to put me in the right head space to finally do something about it!
So, here is my Limitless Leap for March:
Host the Grand Opening of my business, 'Chef Anthony - Culinary Mentoring and Private Catering', on March 26 2016, with 300-500 attendees on a rooftop in Downtown Provo. Have each attendee move forward with one or more of the offers or programs presented that night.
Have a breakthrough process specifically about my Grand Opening each day until the event.
Host the Grand Opening of my business, 'Chef Anthony - Culinary Mentoring and Private Catering', on March 26 2016, with 300-500 attendees on a rooftop in Downtown Provo. Have each attendee move forward with one or more of the offers or programs presented that night.
Have a breakthrough process specifically about my Grand Opening each day until the event.
Social Pressure:
Posting this goal on my personal wall, business page, Inner Circle page, and Limitless tribe page.
Posting this goal on my personal wall, business page, Inner Circle page, and Limitless tribe page.
Accountability Partner:
Gary Norris and Carolyn Jane Norris, I am calling you today. Will you be my Grand Opening process accountability partners?
Brady Mitchell, I am calling you today. Will you be my daily breakthrough partner?
Gary Norris and Carolyn Jane Norris, I am calling you today. Will you be my Grand Opening process accountability partners?
Brady Mitchell, I am calling you today. Will you be my daily breakthrough partner?
Updates to Social Media:
I will post daily updates to Facebook, Sharing my daily progress on the Grand Opening, as well as sharing with as many friends as possible the links to the event page and registration page.
I will post daily updates to Facebook, Sharing my daily progress on the Grand Opening, as well as sharing with as many friends as possible the links to the event page and registration page.
Cost of dishonoring myself:
I will host a class, webinar, or cooking demonstration 6 days a week for one month if I dishonor myself in any of these commitments
I will host a class, webinar, or cooking demonstration 6 days a week for one month if I dishonor myself in any of these commitments

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