If you could create the life you want in three days, would you do it?
I spent Friday night and yesterday with my Limitless Inner Circle ohana, a group of ordinary people who have Chosen to become a family and do extraordinary, miraculous things.
These are a few of the lessons I learned from the processes we experienced together these past two days:
These are a few of the lessons I learned from the processes we experienced together these past two days:
The Wall
I am a leader. All ways, and in all times, I am a leader, only because people trust me. When I speak, when I step up, those around me listen and respond. And I realized that it is because I have done something, or many things, that in their eyes merit trust. I am a leader because I am one of them - and I am trusted to have the knowledge and skill to uplift the group and bring us together as one.
I am a leader. All ways, and in all times, I am a leader, only because people trust me. When I speak, when I step up, those around me listen and respond. And I realized that it is because I have done something, or many things, that in their eyes merit trust. I am a leader because I am one of them - and I am trusted to have the knowledge and skill to uplift the group and bring us together as one.
Speed Greatness
Manifesting my desires, the act of calling forth what I want and expect with no prior evidence, is a real and powerful part of my identity. As I collected the phrases and words others had used to describe me as a man, I was humbled by what they saw in me - love, hero, supportive, kind, leader, authentic, celebration, likable. I was more humbled when, as I was placing them in my notebook, I found a page I had written over a year ago, titled What Manner of Man Am I. I had written in it what I wanted to be in my life, how I want to live and be remembered. Each label I had collected during that Inner Circle exercise was represented on that page. I have become and am becoming the man I saw and spoke into being.
Manifesting my desires, the act of calling forth what I want and expect with no prior evidence, is a real and powerful part of my identity. As I collected the phrases and words others had used to describe me as a man, I was humbled by what they saw in me - love, hero, supportive, kind, leader, authentic, celebration, likable. I was more humbled when, as I was placing them in my notebook, I found a page I had written over a year ago, titled What Manner of Man Am I. I had written in it what I wanted to be in my life, how I want to live and be remembered. Each label I had collected during that Inner Circle exercise was represented on that page. I have become and am becoming the man I saw and spoke into being.
Circle of Abundance
It is never about money. Experiences are what you take with you.
Sitting in a circle of a hundred close friends, we passed hundreds of thousands of dollars from hand to hand, representing the current of money. I was reawakened to the principle that money is nothing more than a tool. Whether I possess it for two seconds, two days, or twenty years, the result is always the same- I pass it on to someone else. I was in possession of more than $100,000 , multiple times. It was petty cash. A paltry sum when compared with the value I have gained and the memories I have made. It is easy, fun, and brings joy to create, accept, and then pass on hundreds of thousands of dollars. The real joy is in the service done with it, the lives touched and memories made. Money hoarded and stockpiled is damned up, and keeps me from experiencing and creating the memories and bonds that make life worth living.
It is never about money. Experiences are what you take with you.
Sitting in a circle of a hundred close friends, we passed hundreds of thousands of dollars from hand to hand, representing the current of money. I was reawakened to the principle that money is nothing more than a tool. Whether I possess it for two seconds, two days, or twenty years, the result is always the same- I pass it on to someone else. I was in possession of more than $100,000 , multiple times. It was petty cash. A paltry sum when compared with the value I have gained and the memories I have made. It is easy, fun, and brings joy to create, accept, and then pass on hundreds of thousands of dollars. The real joy is in the service done with it, the lives touched and memories made. Money hoarded and stockpiled is damned up, and keeps me from experiencing and creating the memories and bonds that make life worth living.
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