What fires in your life have you walked through?
Divorce? Sickness? Disappointment? Job loss? Addiction?
Did it hurt? Does it still hurt?
Have you ever asked yourself why?
Last night, I walked through fire. Not figuratively, either. These were 1600 degree hot coals I had watched burn down from a huge pile of juniper logs.
The man leading told us it was all about choice . Do we choose to walk through the fire, or do we avoid it? How do we approach the fire before walking? Are we afraid? What is our perception of the fire? Does fire hurt?
And then he said something I will never forget: The fire, and how we approach it, is simply a mirror of how we approach life.
Are we afraid? Do we hesitate? Doe we think it will hurt?
I walked across the coals. I was afraid, and I didn't understand why. I crossed without facing the fear, rather I crossed in spite of the fear.
And I got burned. 2nd degree burn blisters covered a good portion of my feet. I could not walk without extreme pain, and spent a good portion of the night with my feet in a tub of cold water.
The important part, I accepted my mistake. I apologized to myself for crossing before I was ready, and I forgave me. I thanked my feet for supporting me and performing their healing work perfectly.
That happened at 9 pm last night. By 8 am this morning, my feet were healed. The skin had toughened, the blistered were gone, and the pain was no more than a minor abrasion. I put on my shoes and walked into church this morning.
Brothers and sisters, we have all the power within us to heal ourselves. I can teach you how, if you are willing to believe in the possibility.
How long will you hold on to pain? Are you ready to let it go?

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