Warrior Guardian

Warrior Guardian

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Peace in the middle of darkness

May 29, 2016

This time of night, introspection really happens for me. Everyone is asleep, the lights are out, and I'm alone with my thoughts and the sound of crickets outside my window.
I used to enjoy the night, as a kid. Reading books under my covers, playing game boy, sneaking cartons of ice cream or cheesecake out of the freezer. Late nights always seemed like my time to do what I wanted while no one was around to stop me.
As I got older, that turned nefarious, and what I wanted became destructive, to me and those I love. Some of my most devastating decisions were made in the dark, in the quiet and loneliness of the night. I started yearning for the dark hours of the night, when I knew I could get away with anything, because I was alone and there wasn't anyone awake to stop me.
An then came the time when I wanted to get better. I wanted to heal, to make the decisions that bring life instead of tragedy. I became afraid of being alone in the night - afraid of what I would think, what I would feel, what I would do. I became an intense morning person, so that going to bed early looked natural, and I wouldn't be left alone at night, with my thoughts and desires, when I was alone and no one was awake to stop me.
Tonight, I breathe in deep and look around my kingdom. I lock the doors and windows, I tuck in sleeping kids, clean up some dishes from dinner. And then I sit. I breathe. I think about my Savior and my friends and my family. And I am not alone. I am at peace.

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