I recently read an article by someone who, after decades of membership, left the LDS church because they were offended by one of their leaders. It caused me to think of my relationship with the Lords church.
Every church is made up of, and administered by, imperfect people, all of whom have their own backgrounds, thought patterns, likes and dislikes, and experiences that can trigger them into being offended.
I have been offended by my church leaders and fellow members. I have become angry and avoided going to church, because I felt out of place and that no one supported me or my family. I have had thoughts of leaving the church, because I was done with all of the tradition and rules and meetings.
Now, I choose to remember. I remember Him, my Savior, and I remember the way I felt when I decided to be baptized. It felt so right, so peaceful and powerful. And I was willing to give everything to be closer to Him and His love.
I also choose remember that I am one of those imperfect people, too. I remember that some people at church may choose be offended by something I say, someone may choose to be upset with me. I remember that I, too, make mistakes and sometimes do things that are against the principles of the church.
I remember that I chose this church because I believe that it is God's true church on this earth, even though it is made up of people just like me. People who make mistakes and become upset and choose to be offended. People who choose to create traditions and patterns and situations that are not in alignment with what God wants for his church or His children.
And I choose back in. I choose to love, and to accept, because I am every bit as flawed and imperfect as everyone who has done something I don't like, who has made a mistake, who has excluded me or complained about me or has said I need to be anything other than what I am. I am no different than they are.
And because I choose to love, I see that every one of us is perfect, right where we are, because God would have us no other way than how we are right now. He wanted us how we were ten years ago, and wants us how we can be ten years from now. He is far more concerned about the direction we are heading than our geography at any given moment.
God loves me, just as I am, and because of that love, He continues to provide a path for me to follow, so I may better feel his love and become as He is.
For me, the ONLY pathway, that will get me to the highest level of heaven, is through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The principles and ordinances found in this church are the only way for me to achieve the highest levels of glory and exaltation.
And part of the ability to create, is the choice to love everyone, despite their flaws, and forgive them.
Everyone will get to heaven, if they choose to be there. I am choosing into the highest level of heaven, where I can have my family forever, and create for eternity, just like my Father. I am choosing every day to love, and to create and hold a space of love and acceptance for everyone that comes into my life.
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